🏀Mental Health is real!

Hello. Thanks for starting the new year off with Playbook. I'm Elijah Bryant, NBA and Euroleague Champion. That doesn’t matter because this is about you. I've crafted a playbook 📖 to elevate your success on the court delivered to your inbox every Friday. Stick around until the end to uncover how to deal with mental health as a basketball player.

Tyrell Terry retired at age 22 for mental health

Basketball Tip 🏀

In the world of basketball, there's a lot of distraction, both positive and negative, that arises as you advance in your career.

Distractions, or 'noise', encompass everything unrelated to basketball. Some of these distractions can be helpful, like engaging in activities such as playing video games or reading a book to unwind from the pressures of basketball.

However, there's also detrimental noise, like reading negative comments about yourself or your team. It's crucial to avoid such distractions at all costs.

Personally, I've found meditation to be immensely valuable in handling this noise.

Meditation serves as a method to distance yourself from distractions. My meditation routine typically starts with deep breaths to relax my body and shift away from the 'fight or flight' mode triggered by adrenaline. Then, I might use a red light to boost the energy in my mitochondria, although this isn't necessary. I spend time visualizing my goals and emotions associated with achieving them, as this emotional connection solidifies these aspirations in my mind.

During meditation, when your mind tries to wander towards your phone, friends, or other tasks, it's actually a sign that you're doing it correctly. The aim is to train the mind and focus on the present moment.

If you doubt your ability to meditate, I assure you that you can do it—I once felt the same. Start with just two minutes. After all, everyone can manage two minutes, right?

Benefits of meditation for basketball players:

  • Improved Focus and Concentration: Meditation helps in training the mind to stay focused, which is crucial during high-pressure situations in a basketball game.

  • Stress Reduction: Basketball can be intense, and meditation serves as a tool to manage stress, keeping players calm and composed during games and practices.

  • Enhanced Mental Resilience: Regular meditation develops mental toughness, allowing players to bounce back from setbacks and stay emotionally balanced.

  • Better Decision-Making: Clarity of mind attained through meditation can aid in making quick, accurate decisions on the court.

  • Increased Self-awareness: Meditation fosters self-awareness, helping players understand their thoughts, emotions, and reactions, which can positively impact their performance and relationships within the team.

  • Improved Sleep Quality: Better sleep is often a result of meditation, leading to quicker recovery and improved physical performance on the court.

    In essence, by incorporating meditation into their routine, basketball players can experience both mental and physical benefits that positively impact their performance and overall well-being.

Weekly Challenge 🔨

I want you to prioritize your mental health.

I'd like to see how many days you can refrain from touching your phone for the first hour after waking up. During this additional time,

I encourage you to dedicate at least 5 minutes each day to meditation.

Q&A âť“

How to deal with mental health as a basketball player?

Your mental health holds greater significance than any number of baskets you'll ever score because it impacts other facets of your life.

Tyrell Terry, at the age of 22, retired from the NBA after just two seasons, citing mental health reasons.

I'm not suggesting giving up on your aspirations, but, personally, I believe regularly speaking to someone is perfectly normal. Many individuals, including athletes, consult sports psychologists to navigate their emotions and thoughts.

It’s normal, don’t feel weird.

While basketball may define us, a great performance can make us feel on top of the world, yet a bad game often leads to questioning our worth in life, which isn't acceptable.

Always remember, basketball is something you do, not who you are.

When sports starts affecting your mental health, I urge you to seek assistance and reach out for help to guide you through your emotions.

Thank you for grabbing your playbook 🙏

We look forward to seeing you next week, unless you don’t want more confidence. 🤔

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