A Players Newsletter: Life Overseas

Overseas Life with Elijah Bryant

A Players Newsletter: Life Overseas

Overseas Life with Elijah Bryant 🎙️

Playing overseas is not easy… but it is worth it!

Elijah & Jenelle at the SLC Airport

Elijah and his family are headed back to Turkey for another season

  • One question from this picture…

    • Why so many bags?

      • “We are living overseas, not camping. We are bringing our favorite things because we can’t ship our belongings to Turkey. So, we are packing items like vitamins, proteins, and toys. Toys in Turkey are super expensive.

        I also don’t buy clothes overseas because I prefer getting items I like in America. Turkey does have good things, but it's a matter of preference. If you only had two bags to bring your favorite items, what would you bring? Keep in mind that I'm bringing clothes, recovery items, and vitamins, so there isn't much room.”

"Anything Worthwhile Requires Sacrifices"

Our perspective in life has so much influence on our happiness, Elijah has a great perspective of making the sacrifice of living away from his home country by focusing on the blessings of being able to provide for his family and set them up for a great future.

Another huge blessing of playing overseas is that him, his wife, and children have an opportunity to experience new cultures and meet so many incredible people.

Anthony Edwards carries USA to victory against Germany 🇺🇸

The Corner 3️⃣ of our newsletter will include:

  • 1 Quote

  • 1 Skill to Work on

  • 1 Headline to Learn From

1 Quote:

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

H.Jackson Brown Jr.

1 Skill to Work on: 

Take Initiative 

What is something you have been meaning to get done and have been procrastinating?

  • Get it done!

    You will feel lighter and be able to dedicate your time and energy towards other tasks

1 Headline to Learn From: Anthony Edwards Confidence

Anthony Edwards is a ascending star whose confidence continues to rise.

If you follow the NBA, you know that Anthony Edwards speaks his mind and radiates confidence in his interviews. The words we say to ourselves and about ourselves have an impact on our actions.

When talking to ourselves and about ourselves, always be conscious of the power of your own attitude.

Anthony Edwards recognized that they did not have a player that can dominate on a global stage, so he has stepped up and blossomed.

Thank you for reading this newsletter. Thank you for being A Player.

See you next week! 🙏


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