🏀Do you workout?

Hello, I'm Elijah Bryant, NBA and Euroleague Champion🏆. I've crafted a playbook 📖 to elevate your success on the court this week. Stick around until the end to uncover my secret strategy for overcoming nerves during games.😨

Elijah Bryant

New name? Yes, that's correct. This is your weekly playbook for success on the court. Nobody wants to step onto the court 🏀 without confidence, especially when your friends are there to watch you. It's time to aim for that college scholarship or your first professional contract. Unless you don't want to achieve something for yourself. If you're here, you have talent; maybe you just don't realize it yet 👀

Basketball Tip 🏀

Playing basketball🏀is like life. Sometimes you feel great, and other times, not so much. That's okay, it happens to everyone.

To win, never give up. Keep trying your best every day. Doing something regularly might mean giving up other things you like.

I think too many coaches do too much in training. It's important to focus on the basics and practice them a lot.

If you're not good at shooting, practice shooting until you're good. It's simple but it works.

For me, I want to add two foot finishes to my skill set, so what should I focus on all summer? I plan to concentrate on perfecting two-foot finishes by practicing the same move for hours.

As I've grown older, this has become my approach. I don't aim to work on twenty moves in the gym; rather, I strive to master one or two moves each summer and one or two moves throughout the year.

Create a System

  1. Watch Basketball

If you aren’t watching basketball, we have a bigger problem here.

  1. Identify your weaknesses and what you want to improve on. Choose one or two things.

  2. Identify someone who excels at that skill (doesn’t have to be an NBA player).

  3. Study that person in games and start practicing those moves during individual practice.

  4. Count reps in the hundreds, not tens. Repetitions eliminate doubt.

  5. Start trying it in practice.

  6. Fail.

  7. Try again.

  8. Fail.

  9. Try again.

  10. Succeed in practice.

  11. Try it in a game.

  12. Fail.

  13. Fail.

  14. Try again in a game.

  15. Fail.

  16. Try again.

  17. Succeed.

  18. Fail.

  19. Fail.

  20. Succeed.

  21. Succeed.

You get the point, now go and put your playbook to use.

Weekly Challenge 🔨

Can you bring lots of energy to practice every day? This is a special skill. Can you be the person who talks the loudest in the gym every day for a whole week? 🗣️ Be honest with yourself. Write about it in your journal and leave a comment 💬 on the post, sharing what you experienced when you attempted this.

Pat Bev

Q&A ❓

How to deal with being nervous in games?

Feeling nervous 😰 during games is okay. Everyone, no matter who they are, gets butterflies 🦋 before games. This is what I think helps, but it might not work for everyone.

I believe that repeating 🔁 something over and over helps eliminate doubts. I am aware of the effort I've invested, and I believe I deserve to be in this position.

Proper preparation helps the nerves fade away once the game 🏀 begins. If you're seeking more confidence, you can find my $1 course here, exclusively available to the first 5 people. ➡️Click here⬅️

Thank you for grabbing your playbook 🙏

We look forward to seeing you next week, unless you don’t want more buckets!! 🤔

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